Friday 15 January 2010

Becky Rose Sheppard . ILOVE YOU.
hmm Becky guess what your buff stuff and yes i do indded love you and if you havnt realised by now chica we need t book you into specsavers and sort that shiz out haha. WE DANCE IRISH ! and yes we are proud ive known you for about a year now wehahyy ;) GOD THATS GO FAST. I feel like ive known you my whole life though we laugh at the smae riddiculos things and run into chip shops at midnight to get kebabs in our wigs shorts and poodle socks haha , and why you ask ? because BROGAN MCGUIRE AND BECKY SHEPPARDare too cool . Ahh i loveed it when you stayed with us at the hotel we couldnt find and witnessed my argument with my SatNav JIM shut up yes i did just name my SatNav deal with it . I missed you so much over christmass i cant tell you ! we danced our little bums off at the qualifying yeahh babee and got high on energy tubes of blue hahah ;) ohh good timesss and i loved it .
ILOVEYOUSOMUCH, your an anmazing friend one of my best infact.
LOVE your bestfriendBroganAnneMcguire.

Thursday 14 January 2010

they look at us and stare and to be honest i just dont just dont just dobnt care
because you make my heart beat fast and slowww
you make feel like im treading on fresh snow.

You can look and you can stare but we dont care.


GEORGIA MORGAN i loveyou one of my bestfriends .
ive known you four and a half years and we have had some of the best times ever :) hahah okay so we had like one stupid argument in year eight but come on now !haha , we were born in the same month :) lovage to july babbies ;) haha we have our little jokes about people and we take the compleate and utter mick out of people sitting right next to us and they still dont get it haha , BUT I LEFT YOU , i left you at the CONVENT because i got into brits and i miss you so much your my sexy mother chica and i larveee you , but we all know convent girls do it better ,
haha and as good old tran said theres a god out there and he loves us. ahh we have our picture extravas and go out to eat in restaurants because we think we are "cool " but i love you so much and i can wait for Ibiza 2013 , we are buff stuff and i know we will be friends for a long time :) WE ARE BUFF STUFF CHICA (L) ILOVEYOUMORGAN.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


well what can i say really its been a while since i wrote anything and i missed it if im honest.
a lot has happened since my last wall post , ive changed ...people have changed and i think ive become a better person for it .Im not affraid to say what i think or to follow like a sheep im my own person and im happy with it.

Schools good haha had some funny times with different people at different times pahha

today it was SNOWING again and i trecked in YES THROUGH THE BBLIZZRD snow haha got to balham fine and then waited for the train to Selhurst and wa son it with Oliver and Laura HAHA. And yes you guessed it the train broke down in the middle of norbury and thornton heath ahh the agony : and the anoying thing was that all of my friends i normally get the train with were on the train behind us ! delayed becaus eof our broken down tain pahha and they got diverted to some random stop far far away like i had never heard of it in my life ! and they had to get a tram and a bus somewhere to get back but they never came in and went to some park near by haha n'awwww bless them haha ,

so i got in and like slipped on the feild pahah was so jokes i cant even explain it ahh you just had to be there ya know ;) all i did today was go on FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE with archie and cyd and Kaz and cilla hahah then me and archie got kicked out of the ict suit cause we were in the wrong room "whoops :S " and then just youtubed people haha was so funny good times ;)x

then on the way home my train from Balham home was delayed like 45 MINUETS : AHHH haha .


Ahhh Christmas and New year ... hmm CHristmas this year me and mum went to New Jersey to stay with family it was really good we did loads and shopped loads .. ( i had to get annother suitcase pahahh ! ) we went to see some shows and we ate LOADS IM A FAT OMPOLUMPA NOW hahah better dance it off merhhh ahah :)

Here come the girls

Here come the girls



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Brogannn anne mcguireee :)

Summer time ♥

Summer time   ♥